Kemp Forum

The Kemp Forum is a debate and discussion series providing a platform for the civil competition of ideas. Based on the premise that ideas, like athletes, become sharper in competition, the Kemp Forum examines cutting edge public policy questions through the kind of restless, spirited debate that Jack Kemp practiced from the heart.

True Growth: Co-Sponsored by Google Featuring Senator Marco Rubio

Senator Marco Rubio unveils new policy proposals for the U.S. economy at the Kemp Forum on True Growth, co-sponsored by the Jack Kemp Foundation and Google, at Google Headquarters, Washington D.C. on March 10, 2014.

In outlining his new proposals, Senator Rubio discusses policies that encourage true economic growth. As part of this reform platform, he explains the need to open up more wireless spectrum for commercial use, maximize the nation’s energy potential, as well as improve trade policies at the international level. Following Senator Rubio’s presentation, Jimmy Kemp, President of the Jack Kemp Foundation, moderates a question and answer period between Senator Rubio and the audience.



Speech Transcript

Senator Rubio’s Policy Proposals

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