Kemp Forum

The Kemp Forum is a debate and discussion series providing a platform for the civil competition of ideas. Based on the premise that ideas, like athletes, become sharper in competition, the Kemp Forum examines cutting edge public policy questions through the kind of restless, spirited debate that Jack Kemp practiced from the heart.

True Growth: Capitol Hill Series – Larry Kudlow

On July 15th, Larry Kudlow gave remarks on growing the economy to Capitol Hill staffers and guests followed by an audience Q&A.

During President Reagan’s first term, Mr. Kudlow was the associate director for economics and planning, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, where he was engaged in the development of the administration’s economic and budget policy. Mr. Kudlow is a senior contributor at CNBC and former host of CNBC’s primetime “The Kudlow Report.”

A video of the event is available on the Jack Kemp Foundation’s YouTube channel.

Watch here:

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