
A Republican Cure for Liberal Failures on Poverty

Wall Street Journal "A Republican Cure for Liberal Failures on Poverty" By: Paul Ryan and Tim Scott On Saturday a majority of the Republican presidential field will meet to discuss fighting poverty at a forum in Columbia, S.C., hosted by the Jack Kemp Foundation. The two of us will serve as moderators. The high level of candidate interest indicates that our party is not willing to concede …

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On this day: July 21, 1986

29 years ago today, Jack Kemp spoke at the roll-out of Israel’s Lavi fighter aircraft.  His remarks strike themes eerily relevant to the current debate over the proposed deal with Iran: - - - The Honorable Jack Kemp Remarks prepared for delivery at the rollout of the Lavi fighter aircraft Tel Aviv, Israel July 21, 1986 - - - The Book of Proverbs tells us that, just as gold and silver are …

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Former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp on Fox and Friends

Former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp appeared on Fox and Friends this morning to discuss his new book, Facing the Blitz. Jeff shares the lessons he's learned personally and professionally that have helped him overcome trials and succeed. Watch here: …

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Cesar Conda joins Board of Jack Kemp Foundation

The Jack Kemp Foundation is pleased to announce that Cesar Conda, of Navigators Global LLC, is joining the Board of Directors. He brings to the Jack Kemp Foundation Board over two decades’ experience from Capitol Hill and the White House, great personal energy and creativity, and an understanding of the way that Washington works. Conda was recently Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of …

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2014 Kemp Leadership Award Presented to Dr. James H. Billington

Remarks by The Honorable  James H.  Billington, November 17, 2014 I thank you deeply for this honor and for the generous things that you have said about me. I believe you are really honoring all the many Members of Congress and the staff at the Library past and present who have over the course of 214 years built the Library of Congress into the world’s largest repository both of recorded human …

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2014 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

Complementary Valet parking!   Register now for the 2014 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner Honoring Dr. James H. Billington Featuring Keynote Speaker Senator Kelly Ayotte Special Panel The American Idea and the New Congress Moderated by Fox’s White House Corespondent, Ed Henry featuring Senator Tim Scott Senator Cory Booker Congressman Paul Ryan Monday, November 17, …

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Kemp Forum on the Future of the American Idea

What is the American Idea?  And what do its enduring principles tell us about today’s policy choices and tomorrow’s America?  These questions were the focus of a day-long series of conversations at historic Lincoln Cottage, where President Lincoln first drafted the Emancipation Proclamation. Three panel discussions explored these themes: Session I: Leadership for the American Idea “It is …

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The Jack Kemp Revival

The Jack Kemp Revival From the April, 19 2014 edition of The Economist American football “combines two of the worst things in American life”, said George Will, a baseball fan. “It is violence punctuated by committee meetings.” That sounds like good training for politics, so it is odd that so few football stars have won high office. Jack Kemp, a quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, was an …

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Note to Republicans: Channel Jack Kemp

Note to Republicans: Channel Jack Kemp By: Sam Tanenhaus, The New York Times When Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, delivered a speech last month outlining proposals for economic growth, his sponsor was the Jack F. Kemp Foundation, a Beltway organization set up in memory of the Republican politician who died in 2009 and has recently been cited as a hero by some of the party’s most …

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Kemp-like Ideas for Growth

Watch brothers Jeff and Jimmy Kemp discuss upward mobility and the American Dream with Larry Kudlow, host of CNBC's The Kudlow Report. Jeff Kemp is Vice President and HomeBuilder Catalyst at FamilyLife. Jimmy Kemp is President of the Jack Kemp Foundation. Watch here: …

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News Coverage of the Kemp Forum on True Growth

Senator Marco Rubio's unveiling of policy proposals for the U.S. economy at the Kemp Forum on True Growth generated notable press coverage. The following is a collection of the articles: Forbes  L.A. Times Washington Post Washington Examiner  National Journal U.S. News  The Hill CNS News Tampa Bay News Miami Herald Blog Politico Transcript of Senator …

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Watch the Kemp Forum on True Growth

On Monday, 10 March, Senator Marco Rubio unveiled new policy proposals for the U.S. economy at the Kemp Forum on True Growth, co-sponsored by the Jack Kemp Foundation and Google, at Google Headquarters, Washington D.C. In outlining his new proposals, Senator Rubio discussed policies that encourage true economic growth. As part of this reform platform, he explained the need for more wireless …

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Kemp Forum on True Growth

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, 10 March, Senator Marco Rubio will unveil new policy proposals for the U.S. economy at the Kemp Forum on True Growth, co-sponsored by the Jack Kemp Foundation and Google, at Google Headquarters, Washington D.C. In outlining his new proposals, Senator Rubio will discuss policies that encourage true economic growth. As part of this reform platform, he will explain the …

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Paul Ryan, GOP’s budget architect, sets his sights on fighting poverty and winning minds

Paul Ryan, GOP’s budget architect, sets his sights on fighting poverty and winning minds By: Lori Montgomery, Published 18 November 2013 - Washington Post Paul Ryan is ready to move beyond last year’s failed presidential campaign and the budget committee chairmanship that has defined him to embark on an ambitious new project: Steering Republicans away from the angry, nativist inclinations of …

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Gov. Bush’s remarks at the 2013 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

Remarks by: Governor Jeb Bush 28 October - Washington, DC   Thanks for the kind introduction, Ziad. Thanks as well to Speaker Boehner for his remarks tonight. To all of the elected officials here, we appreciate your service. Most importantly, thanks to the Jack Kemp Foundation and Joanne, Jimmy and the entire Kemp Family for the honor and the invitation to be here this evening. It is …

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