
Larry Kudlow: A Kemp Growth Plan for Detroit

 A Kemp Growth Plan for Detroit  By: Larry Kudlow, National Review Online's economics editor, is host of CNBC’s The Kudlow Report   With Detroit filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy, everybody knows major root-canal cutbacks are coming. Cutbacks of out-of-control government spending, pensions, and health benefits. Major cutbacks. We know that. We also know that the downfall of Detroit …

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Mort Kondracke celebrates Jack Kemp’s political legacy

How Republicans Could Learn From Jack Kemp By: Daniel Wiser, The Washington Free Beacon   Today’s Republican Party could reclaim electoral success by following the model of football star turned Congressman Jack Kemp, said one veteran D.C. journalist Tuesday. Morton Kondracke discussed Kemp’s political legacy during a lecture in the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress, …

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E pluribus unum

E pluribus unum By: James Kemp, President of the Jack Kemp Foundation   "E pluribus unum.” The Great Seal of the United States proclaims that while we come from many different places, here we can be one. America's economic miracle would never have been possible without immigration, which has brought the best, the brightest and the hardest working to our shores. One of the things that …

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Paul Ryan’s Immigration Play

Paul Ryan’s Immigration Play Like his mentor Jack Kemp, he’s pro-immigration. — Robert Costa, National Review’s Washington editor.  This week, there was a new development in the House: Paul Ryan may be the key to passing comprehensive immigration reform. But that should hardly come as a surprise. Long before he was a vice-presidential nominee, Ryan was an adviser to former New York …

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Ralph Benko: How Marco Rubio Seeks To Cure An Old, Horrible, Secret Immigration Deal

On Marco Rubio's stance in favor of a comprehensive immigration reform, Ralph Benko writes: "Rep. Jack Kemp, who redefined Republican politics for a politically successful epoch, once made an argument, 'People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.' By embracing a path to citizenship the GOP shows how much it cares. Rubio leads the way." Read more of Ralph Benko's …

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(S.744) Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act

Read the immigration reform legislation (S.744.IS) that was filed this morning by a bipartisan coalition of eight U.S. senators. View/download S.744.IS       …

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2012 Kemp Leadership Award presented to Sen. Marco Rubio

Media Coverage Jack Kemp Awards Dinner with Senator Rubio and Congressman Ryan including ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post and more. View coverage. Washington Post Column: Jack Kemp Distinguished pol of the week: " By: Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post Op-Ed Columnist.  View article here. …

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Distinguished pol of the week: The late, great Jack Kemp

Distinguished pol of the week: The late, great Jack Kemp By: Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post Op-Ed Columnist   This week’s distinguished pol  — an unusual pick, I will agree — is the late congressman Jack Kemp. Two of the leading lights in the GOP, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), went to the Jack Kemp Foundation dinner last week to pay tribute to the effusive …

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Media Coverage of the 2012 Leadership Award

The 2012 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner received extensive news coverage appearing on all of the networks and nearly every major newspaper in the United States. Scores of blog and websites commented on the dinner and Senator Rubio and Congressman Ryan’s vision for the future. Here are just some of the stories. New York Times    Washington Post Blog    Washington Post …

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Rep. Paul Ryan’s remarks at the 2012 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

- A Renewed Commitment to Opportunity for All - By: Congressman Paul Ryan Keynote Address at the 2012 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner Thank you, Bob, for that kind introduction. And congratulations to Senator Rubio on receiving this well-deserved honor. You’re joining an elite group of past recipients – so far, it’s just me and you. I’ll see you at the reunion dinner – table for two. Know any …

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Sen. Marco Rubio’s remarks at the 2012 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

- Middle Class Opportunity - By: Senator Marco Rubio Address at the 2012 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner I am so honored to be receiving this award tonight, named after one of the great visionaries of the modern conservative movement in America. We sure could use Jack Kemp right now. Sadly, he is not here, but his ideas and the principles behind them are. And they are useful to us as we confront …

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Jack Kemp: Churchill’s Relevance to America

The following is a speech delivered by Jack Kemp to the International Churchill Society's 10th International Conference in Washington, D.C. on 7 November 1993. It is an honor to be with the International Churchill Society once more. We are a diverse group with a common purpose: to preserve Sir Winston Churchill’s memory and legacy. By studying Churchill, we can better understand our world today …

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Morton Kondracke: In Kemp, a Republican Role Model

The GOP needs to build a party that can speak to the majority of Americans By: Morton Kondracke If Republicans hope to save their party from long-term minority status, they should do what I've been doing for the past two years: study the career of Jack Kemp. I’ve been doing it as an oral history and biography project. They should do it as a survival mechanism. Or, better, as a way to build a …

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2012 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

Join us for the 2012 Kemp Leadership Award Dinner on December 4th where we will be honoring Senator Marco Rubio, with keynote speaker, Congressman Paul Ryan. For more information, email …

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Freedom and Opportunity

Jack Kemp at the Lincoln Fellowship of Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1990.  On this field of honor 127 years ago, Providence revealed the future of all mankind. The battle of Gettysburg confirmed that freedom is not just the Godgiven birthright of Americans, but the ultimate destiny of men and women everywhere. Here a great battle was fought to save the Union; but the …

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