Missed our great event in Chicago? Watch the recorded speakers here!
Morning Keynote featuring Speaker Paul Ryan and Rev. Dr. Deforest “Buster” Soaries. Introduction given by Jimmy Kemp, President of the Jack Kemp Foundation,
KFEO Session 1: Attracting Capital to Distressed Communities
Moderator: Andrea Zopp
Featuring: Congressman Peter Roskam, Margaret Anadu, David Dillon, Ed Monser
KFEO Session 2: Funding Positive Community Outcomes
Moderator: Meghan Harte
Featuring: Congressman Danny Davis, Bob Woodson, Dave Doig, Maze Jackson
KFEO Session 3: Early Childhood Education, Housing, Food, Family and Health
Moderator: Congressman Bob Dold
Featuring: Chicago Alderman Gilbert Villegas, Courtney Q. Jones, Steve Preston
KFEO Closing Keynote Speech by Governor Bruce Rauner