Articles About Kemp

Articles About Kemp

Richard Norton Smith: On Jack Kemp

Reagan’s Quarterback by Tony Lee, Human Events

Jack Kemp leaves pro-Israel legacy by Douglas Bloomfield, Jerusalem Post

A Great American Servant by Cory Booker, Huffington Post

Jack Kemp, My Teacher by Mary Brunette Cannon, Weekly Standard

True purple nation leader by Lanny Davis, Washington Times

The Happy Warrior by Steve Forbes, Forbes

Head and Heart: Remembering Jack Kemp by Michael Gerson, Washington Post

The Last Completion by Quin Hillyer, American Spectator

Jack French Kemp 1935-2009 by Richard Langworth, Churchill

Football Taught Jack Kemp Early Lessons In Equality by Michelle Martin, NPR

He Had the Power of the Happy Man by Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal

Jack Kemp, quarterback of GOP ideas by Ed Rollins, CNN

Kemp Was Key to Reagan Revolution by Allan Ryskin, Human Events

Kemp an ‘extraordinary leader’ by Michelle Van Cleave, Washington Times

Jack Kemp: Running a Very Different Republican Race by Michael Weisskopf, Time

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